ACR Accreditation is recognized as the gold standard in medical imaging. All our facilities have gone through the vigorous review processes needed to ensure we meet nationally-accepted standards in providing the best quality care and image.
California Imaging Institute
ACR Accredited

We are looking for new team members! Send your resume to the email provided in the link below. ... See MoreSee Less
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This year our team wanted to share the warmth and gathered baby blankets for the NICU departments at Community Medical. #SharingTheWarmth ... See MoreSee Less
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It is important to take a look around and see all the signs around you! For MRI Safety Week we wanted to show some very important signs you might encounter in an imaging center.
The MR environment has unique safety hazards for patients with implants, external devices, and accessory medical devices. It is important to follow instructions and screening requirements before and during your appointment.
Remember that the magnet is always on!
To learn more please visit our website at:
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California Imaging Institute is proud to serve the Central Valley with 3 MRI machines, with night appointments available! 🎉
Our technology combines the advancements in MRI with sophisticated engineering to not only provide a completely new level of patient comfort with flexible coils and fast scan times but superior image quality.
In connection with @advancedmedicalimaging (our sister facility), we have 6 MRI machines in total! If one of us is unable to schedule your exam, the other will! We are locally owned and operated and will continue to provide the best care possible!
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Absolutely impossible to make an appointment without being on hold for 20 minutes. Anytime you call you’re 15 in the queue. Go elsewhere.
Nikola Tesla discovered the Rotating Magnetic Field in 1882 in Budapest, Hungary. This was a fundamental discovery in physics.
In 1956, the "Tesla Unit" was proclaimed in the Rathaus of Munich, Germany by the International Electro-technical Commission-Committee of Action. All MRI machines are calibrated in "Tesla Units". The strength of a magnetic field is measured in Tesla or Gauss Units. The stronger the magnetic field, the stronger the amount of radio signals which can be elicited from the body's atoms and therefore the higher the quality of MRI images.
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What are some common uses of PET-CT?🧐
Many people are not aware of what PET-CT can be used for. To help we created a list of why Doctors perform PET-CT scans with us!
-Doctors perform PET/CT scans to:
-Detect cancer and/or make a diagnosis.
-Determine whether cancer has spread in the body.
-Assess the effectiveness of treatment.
-Determine if the cancer has returned after treatment.
-Evaluate prognosis.
-Assess tissue metabolism and viability.
-Determine the effects of a heart attack myocardial infarction on areas of the heart.
-Identify areas of the heart muscle that would benefit from angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery (in combination with a myocardial perfusion scan).
-Evaluate brain abnormalities, such as tumors, memory disorders, seizures, and other central nervous system disorders.
-Map normal human brain and heart function.
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Doctors use CT scans to look for problems in the following areas:
Within these areas, doctors are able to check into certain diseases/health ailments.
To learn more visit: californiaimaginginstitute com
To schedule please call: 559-325-580
#radiology #radtech #paitentcare #MedicalImaging #RadiologicTechnologist #radiologist #technologist #xray #MRI #mammogram #CT #petscan #ultrasound #sonography #catscan #radtech #radiologytech #earlydetection #customerservice #healthcare #centralvalley #local #fresno #clovis ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy 4th of July! 💙🎉
We will be closed Tuesday, July 4th but will return to normal business hours Wednesday, July 5th!
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Fun Fact Friday! 🎉
Did you know that the magnets in an MRI machine can create a magnetic field that is 1-4 thousand times stronger than the earth's magnetic field!!!!
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June is National Men’s Health Awareness Month! 💙
Men’s Health Month was created to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This special awareness month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.
Here at CII we are the destination for your screening needs
To schedule call us at: 📲559-325-5800
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We got the gold! 🥇
Our facility has voluntarily gone through a vigorous review process to ensure that we meet nationally-accepted standards of care.
Our personnel are well qualified, through education and certification, to perform medical imaging, and interpret your images.
Our equipment is appropriate for the test or treatment you will receive, and our facility meets or exceeds quality assurance and safety guidelines.
We are here to provide the best quality care and image for you!
#radiology #radtech #paitentcare #MedicalImaging #RadiologicTechnologist #radiologist #technologist #xray #MRI #mammogram #CT #petscan #ultrasound #sonography #catscan #radtech #radiologytech #earlydetection #customerservice #healthcare #centralvalley #local #fresno #clovis #ACR #acracredidation #goldstandard ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy Memorial Day Weekend!💙
Our offices will be closed Monday, May 29th. Normal hours will resume on May 30th.
For any questions or hours of service please visit our website at:
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Feeling anxious about being claustrophobic for your MRI scan?🧐
At California Iamging Institute we provide headphones that play music to help you relax. The music can distract you from the reminder that you’re in a semi-enclosed space. You can request your favorite music with your technologist.
Earplugs are available for those who prefer silence to music when trying to relax, you can wear earplugs to block out the whirring and rattling noises of the MRI machine.
We provide warm blankets if the scan allows. Having a blanket wrapped around you during the scan may increase feelings of security and peacefulness.
Research shows deep, slow, and controlled breathing can significantly reduce anxiety and can help you stay calm during the MRI scan.
In some situations, medication may be the only thing that relaxes you enough to endure the MRI. Medication is often necessary if you’re worried that claustrophobia could induce a panic attack during the MRI. If you know you’ll need extra assistance with relaxation during an MRI, you can ask your doctor to prescribe a sedative to put you to sleep for your MRI scan. We also provide IV Sedation upon MD request.
Lastly, CII provides Wide Bore MRI scanners that allow for a more expansive imaging experience!
For more info visit our website:
#Radiology #RadTech #PaitentCare #MedicalImaging #RadiologicTechnologist #Radiologist #Technologist #XRAY #MRI #Mammogram #CT #PetScan #Ultrasound #Sonography #CATScan #RadTech #RadiologyTech #EarlyDetection #CustomerService #Healthcare #CentralValley #Local #Fresno #Clovis ... See MoreSee Less
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Please read the caption for more info:
1. Food and Drink
Do not eat or drink any foods or fluids six (6) hours prior to your exam (including gum and mints). Medications are okay, except for diabetic medications or prednisone.
2. Clothing
Wear warm clothing with no metal items (includes: bras with under-wire, jewelry, belts, and jeans with zippers or buttons). Sweat pants and tops are almost always a safe bet.
3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
If you are pregnant/trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding please call our Scheduling Department at least three (3) days prior to your exam for additional instructions.
4. Claustrophobia
If you are claustrophobic, please bring any and all medications that may help you relax.
5. Exercise
No exercise 24 hours prior to your exam.
6. Low-Sugar Diet
Begin following a low-sugar diet one day prior to your appointment. Please do not eat any of the following: fruits, sugars, syrups with sugars, or beverages containing sugar. Foods or beverages that contain artificial sweeteners like Splenda or NutraSweet are okay.
7. Visitors and guests
To protect from exposure to unnecessary radiation, pregnant women and children are not allowed to accompany you to the exam room.
You will be contacted before your exam for pre-screening, and to answer any questions you may have.
#howtoprepare #petct #radiology #radtech #paitentcare #MedicalImaging #RadiologicTechnologist #radiologist #technologist #xray #MRI #mammogram #CT #petscan #ultrasound #sonography #catscan #radtech #radiologytech #earlydetection #customerservice #healthcare #centralvalley #local #fresno #clovis ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy International Nurses Day! 🩺🩻
We would like to take a moment to acknowledge the best nurses ever! We appreciate all of the hard work they do for our patients! Thank you for all you do for us at CII!
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