Dear Valued Patient,
We understand you and your family may be anxious about the news of COVID-19 and we are committed to protecting your safety while maintaining high-quality care for our patients. All of our centers are taking multiple precautions by following all CDC guidelines. Our dedicated teams are here for you and prepared to help get through this together.
Steps we are taking:
- We have increased the frequency of disinfecting and cleaning at both 12 pm and 7 pm daily by our janitorial services. In addition, each machine is sanitized after every patient and staff cleans all high touch areas in their departments throughout the day.
- We have a three-point screening system for all patients coming to our facilities. During initial scheduling phone calls, appointment confirmation/screening phone calls, and outside prior to entering the building, we are screening for all COVID-19 symptoms, recent travel or possible exposure.
- We are offering patients the option to wait outside or in their cars throughout the registration process if desired. Please come into the office for check-in. After check-in, if you would prefer to wait in your car or outside, we will text you or call you when your room is available.
- We provide a safe lobby setting with seating 6 ft. or more apart, line spacing markers for registration and removal of frequently touched items such as magazines. Every pen and clipboard is placed in a bin marked “used” after each use and thoroughly sanitized before being available to the next patient.
- There are hand sanitizing stations located throughout our facilities for your convenience.
- For patients, physicians’ offices, and facility couriers we are offering curb-side medical records pickup. Please call 15 minutes ahead of time if this is a new records request.
Steps you can take:
- Please do not enter if you have a cough or fever
- Social distancing required, maintain a minimum of six-foot distance from one another
- Sneeze or cough into a tissue, if not available into one’s elbow
- Please do not shake hands or engage in physical contact
- Wear a facial covering
Let us know
If you don’t plan on coming to your appointment, please let us know immediately! There are many patients who are healthy and want to be seen for their Imaging needs. Your courtesy in this matter is much appreciated. If you’ve already decided you’re not going to come to your appointment, please contact us.
Thank you for choosing California Imaging Institute and Advanced Medical Imaging.